Exploring the Heart of New Mexico Through Taste: My Albuquerque Enchiladas Recipe

Hey, fellow food lovers! Today, I’m super excited to bring a piece of Albuquerque right into your kitchens with a recipe that’s as vibrant and spirited as the city itself: my homemade enchiladas. Cooking up this dish is like a culinary journey through the heart of New Mexico. Every bite is a celebration, bursting with flavors that remind me of Albuquerque’s lively streets and its warm, inviting culture.


  • 12 corn tortillas
  • 3 cups of shredded chicken (tip: using roast leftovers adds an amazing depth of flavor)
  • 3 cups of red or green chile sauce (Yes, in New Mexico, you have to pick your allegiance: red or green!)
  • 2 cups of shredded cheese (I love the creamy meltiness of cheddar mixed with Monterey Jack)
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 1 cup of chopped lettuce for a crisp, fresh crunch
  • 1/2 cup of juicy, diced tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup of sliced black olives (they add such a nice briny contrast, but they’re optional)
  • Sour cream and fresh cilantro for garnishing


Prep the Ingredients: First things first, crank your oven up to 375°F (190°C) to get it nice and hot. While it warms, let’s tackle the filling. Mix your shredded chicken with half of the onions and a cup of your chosen chile sauce to start building those flavors.

Get Rolling: Next, warm the corn tortillas just a bit to make them pliable—a quick flip on each side in a hot skillet should do it. Dip each tortilla in the remaining chile sauce to coat, spoon in some of the chicken mixture, and sprinkle a bit of cheese. Roll them up tight and lay them seam side down in your baking dish.

Bake the Goodness: Line up all your rolled enchiladas snugly, then drown them in the leftover chile sauce and top with the remaining cheese. Slide the dish into the oven and bake for about 20 minutes, or until you see that gorgeous golden bubbly cheese on top.

Garnish and Serve: Let the enchiladas cool for a minute or two (if you can resist!), then garnish them with the rest of the onions, the crisp lettuce, those juicy tomatoes, olives, a dollop of sour cream, and a sprinkle of fresh cilantro. And there you have it—enchilada perfection!

Why This Recipe Rocks: Whipping up these enchiladas always turns dinner into a festive gathering. It’s a fantastic way to bring friends and family together, share stories, and make memories over delicious food. These enchiladas are more than just a meal; they’re an expression of Albuquerque’s soul that I love bringing to my table. Whether you’re easing into the world of chiles or you’re a die-hard spice enthusiast, you can tweak the heat to suit your taste and dive right into these delicious layers of flavor.

So, grab your apron, round up these ingredients, and let’s cook up some New Mexican magic right in your kitchen! Enjoy the process, relish each bite, and let every mouthful transport you to the bustling heart of Albuquerque.

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