Spring Into Clean: Let’s Get Decluttering, My Way!

Hey there, awesome people! So, the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and that means one thing around here…. One last winter storm! That’s right, it will hail or snow one last time in April May.

If you’re groaning at the thought, hold up—I’m about to make this whole decluttering gig a lot more bearable, maybe even fun. Yep, I said it, fun! It’s time to shake out those rugs and clear out the cobwebs because spring cleaning is upon us! Watch out for those black widows!

Let’s get our homes feeling as fresh as a crisp New Mexico morning.

Kick It Off with Tunes: My Spring Cleaning Playlist

    Nothing sets the mood like the right music, right? So, I always kick off my cleaning with some killer tunes. How about putting on some Al Hurricane or Sparx? If you prefer pop Demi Lovato is from New Mexico! So, crank up the volume and let’s get to decluttering with a beat!

    Small Steps, Big Gains: The Room-by-Room Breakdown

      When it comes to all cleaning, I like to tackle one room at a time—it’s less overwhelming that way. I take a victory lap (sometimes literally, having zoomies with Miss Susan) after finishing each room, maybe with a little treat or a short break to enjoy some sun. Trust me, celebrating the small wins makes the whole process feel more rewarding. The hardest part? Getting back into the groove after a break. Some people like myself, should just power through!

      Seven goes to Heaven: Keep, Donate, Toss

        Here’s a simple system I swear by: grab three boxes and label them Keep, Donate, Toss. This makes sorting a breeze. Haven’t used it in a year? Bye-bye. Still sparks joy? It stays. You’d be surprised how quickly things sort when you break it down like this, and it feels great to think about how your donations can help others. Do this every week. 7 items each 7 days. If you do this all year, you have no spring cleaning to do!

        Digital Era Decluttering: Scanning Over Piling

          We all have those keepsakes we just can’t part with, right? For me, it’s a bunch of old drawings and concert tickets. Pictures of friends, notecards and thank you cards from my clients and fellow realtors, photos taken with those disposal film reels. Some are not evey developed! Instead of letting them pile up, I scan them. It saves space, and hey, those memories are just a click away instead of tucked in some dusty box that can be lost.

          Deep Clean, Deep Breath

            Once the clutter’s gone, it’s deep cleaning time. This part is so satisfying—cleaning out all the nooks and crannies, maybe adding a new plant or two, and just letting that fresh air roll in. There’s nothing like the smell of clean, right? It makes the whole house feel renewed. Its a task that I recommend having some loud music. See paragraph 1.

            Bring in the Squad: Cleaning with Friends

              Why do it alone when you can make it a party? I love inviting friends over to help. We chat, we organize, and we get things done twice as fast. It turns a chore into a chance to catch up and have some laughs. Plus, swapping items we don’t need anymore? Always a bonus. See Paragraph 4.

              Enjoy the Refresh

                After all that work, don’t forget to take a moment to just enjoy. Rearrange a bit if you want—heck, dance around in your newly cleared space! There’s nothing better than sitting back and feeling proud of all you’ve accomplished. It’s like a fresh start right inside your own home. Learning to keep it that way (see item 3!) is the next challenge!


                there you go, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a drag. With some tunes, a few tricks, and maybe a friend or two, you can totally transform your space. Let’s embrace the clean and enjoy this beautiful spring, shall we? Here’s to a tidy home and a happy heart!

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